32 Flavors And Then Some...

Monday, June 06, 2005

What's Going On In My Head

Monday, June 06, 2005

Music: My Chemical Romance "Helena"

So another day gone by and I'm still here. I surprise myself sometimes. I definetly have my mother's strength. I think I could take anything now so bring it on!! NO CAR!!! It sux! Thank God I have my sister's car this week b/c what the hell would I have done? I really didn't want to move back to Augusta but it was looking that way for a moment there. I would have commited suicide I'm telling you. I'm so thankful for the friends who helped me out in my situation. They Rock! It's so funny how life goes from one spectrum to the other. That's what's so crazy. You never know what's going to be thrown in your face. It's actually scary and I'm surprised we are not all walking around like crazy people. Or are we? I have theories about all this but that's for another day. So cool things are happening for me. I'm so happy to have been cast in this independent film. The director is wonderful and has a great resume. I think it's going to be a great film especially because I'm in it. J/K I was so busy caring about everyone else that I forgot to care for myself and when I did look what happened! It actually kinda pisses me off that I have spent the past nine years focusing on everything but myself but it's over with now and as Scarlet says "tommorow is another day". I'm so relieved that Friday is almost here. Girls night out!! I haven't had one of those in I don't know how long. I've been working so hard to stay alive that I forgot what it feels like to be alive. Well off to the gym and then to check out some cars. I'm really looking into a VW cabrio conv. I think it fits my personality but I may have to settle on a Honda. Peace out homies !


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