32 Flavors And Then Some...

Thursday, June 09, 2005

I Need A Red Bull!!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Music :Suzanne Vega "Caramel" Closer soundtrack

Ravioli by Chef Boyardee is yummy! That's what I had for dinner. Healthy huh? I can't believe I'm keeping an online journal. I'm usually so secretive but i figure what the hell, try something new and it's kinda fun. The newness will wear off in a month and then I'll forgot to write. So today was fun because I played dress up with my 3 year olds. I love them. They make me laugh. They say the funniest things. This one little boy was peeing the other day and this little girl walks up to him and watches. I just sat there because I wanted to see what she was going to do. She looks down at his little wee wee and says" Oh! You have a little belly button down there. Yea, look Miss. Boone he has a belly button". I thought I was going to pee in my pants I laughed so hard. Well I found out more good news today. I'm going to work on another indie for Trident. I will be playing the part of Betty. It's about this couple who think there neighbors are terrorists. Betty is the wife. I'm gonna be a busy gal! Wish I could figure out what I'm going to do in September. I want to move back to NY or New Orleans but I just don't know if I will have enough money saved by then especially with a new car payment. I'm just so tired of living in the West Ash. ghetto I could scream. It was okay at first but now we have these loud ass neighbors and as we speak some guys speaking spanish are peeking in my kitchen window while they work on the building. Back in January the couple that lives two doors down burnt there apart down at 6am on a Monday morning because they were smoking so much weed in there. They got into a fight and somehow started a fire. The funny thing is that they were in their 50's. They should share the wealth. Then I had my car broken into and the fuckers stole all of my books for my French and my Statistics class along with my TI-83 calculator and my fave shirt that said Brooklyn across it. Assholes! Oh well I'm going to go get some coffee. If I fall asleep now I will stay up forever.


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