32 Flavors And Then Some...

Friday, June 17, 2005

Flying Cockroaches!!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Music: The Hives "I wanna Get Free" and old school Tupac

Can life get any better than this? I'm drinking a Yuengling, smoking a cigarette, watching Sex and The City, and eating Velveeta shells and cheese(it's the cheesiest). I filmed last night in Summerville. It was so much fun! I play this character who has very Bree (Desperate Housewives) like characteristics. She supposed to be very shy and innocent but she's actual very sinister. I love it! Go figure I would be cast as the shy innocent one. She has an air about her that make people think she is a snob. Not a stretch for me! I used to be so shy when I was younger. I could hardly utter a word for Lords sake and now look at me. One glass of wine and I will talk your ears off. I had to get off of work at 4:00 to drive up there and I didn't make it on set until 5:30. I got so lost and the directions were so easy. Leave it to me. They were behind anyhow so it didn't matter. What is this place called Summerville? They have flying beetles there the size of my big toe and that's pretty big. Flesh eating beetles mind you, I swear! Speaking of flying things I was welcomed by a flying cockroach when I returned home from my long day as a glamourous actress. The bastard! I have no idea where he scurried off to. He will probably tap me on the shoulder later tonight. I hate those bitches. They make me want to vomit. I will pick up a frog, even a snake, spiders too but a roach. Just shoot me. So besides battling fleshing eating beetles and flying cockroaches things are going really great. I just got my copy of "The Last Night of The World". It was so weird watching myself on film. Of course I critiqued the hell out of it but for those who know me that should not surprise you in the least bit. I'm a perfectionist but having said that I think it turned out nicely. It's only the rough cut so I will get the final cut next week sometime. I go to old AUG to start rehearsal this weekend. It's so nice to be working on something I absolutely love. Nothing else much to report except I finally got my headshots back so now I can actually audition for something where I may get some compensation. As much as I love my job wouldn't it be nice to work in this industry for a living. I'm tired of the same routine. I want variety.


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