32 Flavors And Then Some...

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Me,Myself,and I!

Music: No music....just the sound of Mad tv and my little sisters laugh.

Today I went to visit my Nana's grave. I always do this when I need a question I have been pondering over answered. For some reason visiting her makes me deal with whatever is going on in my head at that moment. It seemed to help today because I feel better about my decision. I got a new car. It's a red Honda Civic 2002. It only has 30,000 miles on it. I bought a cute Hello Kitty sticker to put on the back. I'm never going to grow up I'm telling you. I filmed "Like This" on Friday. I had a blast. I met a really cool guy. He did my make up. He is my new gay boyfriend even though he is only 19. He made me laugh and anyone that can make me laugh is a friend. I'm in desperate need of some sort of crazy recreation involving alcohol. I haven't been drunk in a good while. Just need to let my hair down. I've been working,working,working non stop but I love every minute of it. Still questioning where to go at the end of the summer. I know I need to get out of Charleston but I can't decide where I want to go. New York is really calling my name right now but I don't know. It will come to me eventually I'm sure. I miss all of my friends in the city and I miss all the culture and the excitement. I don't miss being dirt poor but I'm older and smarter this go around so maybe I won't have to struggle quiet like I did before. I would love to take a film class and learn about the camera and everything that goes into the whole filmmaking process. I want to write a script also. There are so many things I want to do before I die. Here is a short list.
1. Learn to speak French fluently
2. Go to Europe or better yet travel the world
3. Write my own script and make my own film.
4. Learn how to play the piano
5. Make a jazz album
6. Own a small farm with lots of exotic animals
7. Have a romantic evening in Italy eating spaghetti and listening to Opera
8. Find Love
9. Get married barefoot on the beach
10. Have two kids and adopt two kids
11. Take photography
12. Take art lessons(drawing,painting)
13. Open my own bookstore
14. Take a hot air balloon ride
15. Spend Christmas in a log cabin while it's snowing outside
16. Write a book
17. Swim with dolphins
18. Go on a safari in Africa
19. Be on the cover of a magazine
20. Be the president of a charity that helps children somehow

I could keep adding but that's it for now. I'm not a big dreamer or anything am I? Well my sister is getting pissed at me for keeping her awake so I'm going to go downstairs and watch a little tv. Goodnight.


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