32 Flavors And Then Some...

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Hedgehogs In The Hall (think I smoked a little too much weed)

There are hedgehogs in the hall
some big some tall
The eat all the roaches that are on crack
when they get a snack attack

At night when the sun goes down
the hedgehogs paint the town
They hang out with the mice and rats
and play strip poker with the alley cats

Halifax is a hedgehog who escaped from the lab
He ran down the hall, made a phone call and
took a cab

Now he is the pimp daddy on the corner
of 5th and Broad Street
He's got a million dollars and
some really furry feet

Let me tell you the story
of another famous rodent on the loose
His name is Horatio and he rides a red caboose
He smokes a joint or two everyday
and when the honeys see him
they think it's payday
For Horatio is the biggest dealer in the hall
from weed to LSD he's got it all

He lives in the biggest cage in town
but when the cops are out
he doesn't make a sound
Because he escaped many years ago
from jail when a little faggot
name Harry was messin with his tail

Now these are the tales
the freaky tales of the hedgehogs in the hall
The stories are ancient
You can't tell them all

But if you see a hedgehog
Be Nice to it
Because as you can see
they won't put up with your shit


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