32 Flavors And Then Some...

Saturday, January 07, 2006


Remember that day the snow was falling down?
Remember how you whispered to me?
Remember how my tears were frozen in serenity?

The air was so cool and crisp
our breath danced in delight
and as we held each other closely
we silently agreed the moment was right

Remember how we laughed?
Remember how we cried?
Remember we were like children
with secrets to confide?

I touched your hand
you trembled
you shyed away with a smile
Nervously I giggled and looked at you for awhile

Remember how I raced you to Strawberry Field?
Remember Imagine?
Remember the roses?
Remember the kiss that we sealed?

Did you forget me like I told you?
Did you erase it from your memory?
Did you tear up that picture or did you look at it longingly?

Remember one thing only
Forget all the lies
Remember our snow angels
Remember our sheep meadow sky


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