32 Flavors And Then Some...

Saturday, January 07, 2006

These shoes...

These shoes are five years old now
These shoes saw you smile
These shoes saw you hurt me
They’ve walked many miles

Bubble gum stuck
stretched all on the sole
Got some stain on the inside
Kept me warm from the cold

These shoes saw Aerosmith
They met Lauren Bacall
These shoes walked up 5th avenue
They strolled Central Park in the Fall

Pen Marks from History Class on the right tongue
Says "I love you" in blue ink to that special someone
These shoes have good support
These shoes made me stand tall
These shoes still have tear stains
They were there when you didn’t call

Stepped in horse poo on Market Street
Made everybody laugh
Got cat calls on King Street
Still got Southern Class

These shoes have not been to Paris
They have not been to Rome
These shoes are not world travelers but
They know where to call home


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