32 Flavors And Then Some...

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Feeling

It's starting! That feeling! You know the one I'm referring to. The one where I start to lose control of myself and I become a mindless idiot. I'm starting to fall damnit! I've tried to hold back the feeling but it's slowly starting to seep into my heart like a incurable disease. I'm afraid to fall. Who isn't? My naivete caused me great disappointment before and who's to say cupid will not play his evil trickery on me again. I am desperately trying with all my might to retain control of my emotions but it's like I've had to pee for 3 years and I can't hold it any longer. The dam will eventually burst no doubt about it. And the question I have is is it okay? Is it okay to warm up to someone? Sometimes our society leads us to believe that it's not okay to reveal emotion or even affection. Generation X and Y have given a new meaning to relationships. We've seen the failures of the baby boomers and their attempts at a lasting marriage. Divorce, separation, and the worst of them all; the couple who stays together for security and not happiness. I think many of us can relate to these issues and how they have psychologically impaired us from trusting others to love us. It's only natural for our generation to want a sexual relationship with no strings attatched. Who can blame us? Allowing someone the possibility of hurting us is a big mess that many of us just don't have enough paper towels to clean up. The problem with this whole scenario is their is this thing called the human condition. A condition that makes us yearn and long for the companionship of another. It's natures mischievous way of seducing us into procreation. Somehow though I believe it's a lot more complicated than that. We need each other to reach our full potential. We need the support, the affection, the intimacy, and the love to thrive. For most people the search for a soul mate is an important quest in life, one that we feel will complete that missing piece to the puzzle of existence. Through childhood and beyond we invent this image of a future husband or wife. Our culture has fed us fairytale stories of destiny and true love. Life is not complete until we have found and wed prince charming. In today's world prince charming is the man with the bank. The lawyers, the doctors, the CEO's who can buy us a castle and make our Cinderella dreams come true. In my opinion the "marry a rich man and you'll live happily everafter" line is played out. Our generation needs to rethink their philosophy on love and allow others into their heart. We have to learn to trust and let go of our fear of abandonment. We as a generation have to break the cycle of the one before us and learn to love for the sake of love and nothing more.


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