32 Flavors And Then Some...

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Aerosmith "Jaded"

Am I jaded? Am I bitter? I just wonder sometimes. I don't want to be but I think I am. Last night while dining at a Mexican restaurant with friends I noticed my behavior during the conversation. It always gravitates towards men for some reason and then I ravenously tear their species apart like a mad animal. Hmm? Stuff just flies out of my mouth without my consent. We started the discussion of Sorority girls and how we thought the whole concept was ridiculous and somehow I turned it into a weenie roast. My famous quote burst out of my mouth "All Men are Fuckers, I know some are different, but for the most part they are fuckers". Whoops! All the men at the table fell silent. One of the guys at the table is attracted to me and treats me with lots of respect. He is such a nice guy and there I go with my mouth. Wow! he said. Sorry to hear you feel that way. Have I let a few fuckers, two in particular, ruin my hope for a healthy, loving, relationship with a guy? Or do I have an Estella complex? Can it be that I have let my Mother's opinions and views on men influence my own way of thinking? Or is it true? "Guys just really are all fuckers". The question remains to be answered.


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