32 Flavors And Then Some...

Friday, November 04, 2005

Fortune Teller

I went to the fair tonight with some friends and they had this fortune teller there so I thought I would do it for fun. I paid ten dollars to have my palm read. This is what she said.

1. You were hurt growing up and it has taken you along time to heal but it has made you so much stronger today

2. You are torn between two loves. One of these loves showers you with affection but you do not share the same feelings that he does. Your other love is your true love but this person has hurt you deeply and confuses you. This person is your soul mate but may not be the person you end up with.

3. You have worked hard your whole life but do not make alot of money. You do what you do because you love it and material wealth does not appeal to you. Happiness does.

4. You will come into wealth through some sort of business that you will open in the future.

5. You will marry and have three children.

That's what she said to me. It's so weird. Well we'll have to see what happens. Another funny thing that happened at the fair was on the ferris wheel. We were on the ferris wheel with these two girls and one of them asked me where I lived. I told her West Ashley and she goes "Oh our football team just played ya'll". I was like "Oh really". Then I said where do you go to school and she said Berkely or something and told me she was in 11th grade and then......she asked me what grade I was in. Ha Ha! I just smiled and said "Honey I will 27 on Tuesday". She was like No Way! Shit I hope I look like you when I'm 27. That made my night and my year!!!


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