32 Flavors And Then Some...

Friday, October 21, 2005

So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

Music: "So Long And Thanks For All The Fish"-Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy

I think it's so funny that in my last blog I'm whining about the meaning of life and then I saw "The Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy" and in the very beginning here are these cute little dolphins singing about it. In fact the whole film was about the subject. It's a new concept for me. When I was younger I didn't ponder on the meaning of my existence which led me to a simple conclusion. I think I figured it out. When you are young you don't think about things like that so I need to have the same mentality. Kids are just living and soaking up every moment and that is exactly what I need to do. I have been wondering if I am cut out for this new job of mine. I'm teaching children gymnastics skills. I never thought I would be doing that but I surprised myself. I'm beginning to see the difference in the confidence of the children and even in my own confidence. I have to get up in front of all these parents and teach and it's very overwhelming but I'm becoming alot more comfortable the more I do it. I was thinking about quitting and getting a new job but then I got really sick last week and had sometime to think about things. I have not been taking very good care of myself. I have been eating lots of crap, not taking vitamins, not working out as much and thats why I got sick. I've been letting my apt. get so messy and not even having the desire to clean. I thought about all of this and then it dawned on me. I am making a huge difference in these childrens lives. I still want to pursue acting so I thought hey, I can easily transfer with my new job. Easily. I just need to learn the ropes and then I can move back to NYC or even head out to LA if I want to. The job is helping me work on my self-esteem and by December I should be totally fine with public speaking. Acting on stage is different than this because you have lines and your a different person than yourself. I'm learning to be comfortable in my own skin through this job. I started working out again and I feel ten times better. I have so much more energy. Life is so much easier to live when you have something to work towards, a goal to obtain. So I'm ready to do it. I'm ready to get out there and make something happen.


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