32 Flavors And Then Some...

Friday, September 23, 2005

My Poem

Another day gone by
and here I sit
here I cry

Another day of putting on a smile
when inside I just want to die

Another day of trying to let you go
How could I ever get this low?

Another hour, another minute
and always the thought of you in it

Why? Why? Why?
The question that consumes my mind
but time is something I cannot rewind

My heart ripped in half
how could you have ever made me laugh?

I let my guard down, trusted you, I let you in
but somehow I have to hold up my chin

Every day my heart mends a little more
I replace each stitch you tore

The scar on my heart will always remain
but things will never stay the same

So okay you got me
I played the fool once again
but next time it's my turn to win

My turn to win with someone who cares
someone to wipe my tears and ease my fears

Someone who knows what they've got
A beautiful girl who's not afraid to put up a fight
Someone who will open their heart to royalty
and treat me like the princess I deserve to be.


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