32 Flavors And Then Some...

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Typical Night Out and other things....

Music: "Why" by Avril Lavigne ( This song pretty much sums up what I'm feeling right now) Make this feeling go away please!!!!!!!!!!

I went out last night with Connie because it's her last weekend here. I had alot of fun. We went to this place called Trio Club. Nothing but guys with gelled back hair but I had a blast. It was a bunch of us that went. I'm so tired of going out. It's the same thing everytime. Your dancing with your girls and some random guy comes up behind you and starts trying to dance with you and then they get a little to touchy feely and you move away. Or then there is that one that you just dance with because you figure "What the hell" and then he thinks your all in love with him and he can get you in the bed so he asks the famous question. "What are you doing after this?" "We are having a party, wanna come?" I have stupidly fallen for this before and you end up going to the so called "party" and there are like 5 people there and all he wants to do is make out with you until everyone eventually leaves and he can get what he was after all along. Guys go about things all wrong. I don't want to really meet anyone in a bar persay but hey let's admit it. You do want some attention after you spend 2 hours getting all dolled up to go out. So you walk in and then the comments start. "Damn Girl", etc etc. You know as flattering as all that is How about NO! I'm not going to fall at your feet because you said "Damn Girl!" to me. Or then there are the guys that are obviously interested in you but they just kinda stalk you and never say anything to you. I experienced all of these last night but that's the one that drives me the most crazy. Just come freakin talk to me. It's like they are so intimidated. I'm not going to bite. They just kinda sit there and stare and then when you move somewhere so do they. Grow some balls! I'm tired of being the one to start the conversation. I believe in the strong modern women just as much as the next girl but sometimes I would like a guy to talk to me and start an intelligent conversation. Not What are you doing later? How about, so what do you do? Where are you from? and Scooby Dee Doo. I just think it's really sad that I live in one of the top ten places to be single and date and I don't have any dates!!!! Where can I meet a nice guy? Church seems so appealing now. By the way, my new job rocks! It is so much fun. I get to wear lounge wear and play with kids all day and get paid well for doing it. The gym is awesome. I can't wait to actually start teaching the classes. I think I'm really going to enjoy it.


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