
Music: Journey "Girl Can't Help It"
I'm getting on top of my game finally. My bills are all paid and I actually have extra money. Whoo hoo!!! So of course it was burning a hole in my pocket. I went Shopping!!!!! I had a great weekend. I babysat Thurs-Saturday night but I made some good money. I also dogsat a friends basset hound. His name is Napoleon and I love him soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. He is so damn cute. I took him downtown Sunday morning and then I took him to Wendy's and got him a hamburger. He was my boyfriend this weekend. I want to dognap him. I think I may get my own soon because having him around made me so happy. Sunday I hung out with Connie and Jan at the pool and drank Mimosas. Then we hit up TGIFridays and went to see "The 40 year old Virgin". This movie was hillarious and it even turned into a chick flick at the end. I think my favorite line in the movie was "The problem with relationships is that one person is going "blah blah blah" all the time and then the other person is saying "What are you talking about?" and then the other person is saying "blah blah blah"" Funny but true. It seems like I'm the one going "blah blah blah" all of the time though. So let's see. Job update. I'm staying at O'Quinn. I got a much needed raise and I didn't want to leave anyway. It's like a family there for me. My new hours give me time to audition for things and I can look for another job in the process. So that's about all. I'm going kareoke tommorow night at Henry's and I can't wait. I'm starting to like being single except I miss gettin some lovin. Hopefully that will all change soon. It doesn't help that I'm so damn picky. I'm going to go do laundry now. Peace, love, and David Bowie!
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