Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Music" " Scenes from an Italian Restaurant" Billy Joel
I really don't know what to write but I know I should write something. Let's see, well I finished filming this weekend. My picture was in the paper so that was kinda cool. I got cut five hours at work. I usually work 40 hours now I work 35. I'm one of those people who can look at things with a positive light so if I'm going to make this a positive situation I have to look at it like it will allow me more time to look for another job. I love where I work and I don't want to leave. It's like a family to me but I can't afford to live off of the salary I make anymore. I have lots of job opportunity's that I can apply for. One is downtown working 8-12 in the mornings as a kindergarten teacher assistant. If I got that one I could still work at O'Quinn from 2-6. Another one is the My Gym which I'm waiting to hear back from and then Chesterbrook in Mt.P needs a Lead 3's teacher. My favorite option is a drama teacher position at Moultrie Middle in Mt.P. It's part-time and I want it so bad. The problem is that they need official transcripts and I have a stupid hold on my account and you have to pay a $75.00 fee for fingerprints. I don't have an extra $75 bucks. I will figure it all out somehow. Oh! I have to mention this. I did the hokey Pokey with my 3 year old class and it was so much fun! I was laughing so hard at them my sides were splitting. This one little girl kept sticking her butt in this little boys face and he would slap it and say "get your booty out of my face". They are just so cute, I love them. It made me wonder, maybe the hokey pokey really is what it's all about! What else? Well I'm moved in my new place and I love my room although it is small. It looks like it came right out of a catalog. I went to visit my Granny the weekend before last and it was heartbreaking. I'm not sure if she remembered me or not but I think she did. She was throwing up in her bed when I got there and she just looked so unfamiliar to me. I tried to hold back the tears as best I could. I joked around with her and brought up childhood memories to see if that would maybe spark her interest and she laughed and said "Do you remember all that?" So I think that she knew it was me. I held her hand before I left and sang "Somewhere over the Rainbow" to her. That's when the tears started to flow. That could be the last time I ever see her, you know. I don't know how this will sound but I hope that she goes soon because I hate, hate, hate seeing her like this. On a lighter note I'm reading Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. It's a huge novel and it's taking me awhile to read but I am in love with it. I would do anything to play Anna Karenina in a play or movie. She was very progressive for that time period. She's a strong women character that any actress would die to play. What else? I'm taking the GRE in September for real this time. I can't wait to start grad school. I just can't decide if I want to go for English or just get my Masters in teaching. It will come to me. I think I'm going to start going to Mass again. I haven't been in so long. I will finally have a free Sunday and I need to take advantage of that. I need to get back in touch with my spirituality. I have many opposing views from the Catholic faith but I know that when I walk into a Catholic church something makes me feel good and it just feels right, like I belong. I want to feel that again. So the conclusion to this whole blog is that things are starting to fall into place, I think. When I was singing "SOTR" to my Granny I was thinking how life is like a rainbow. You start off at the bottom and then you slowly make your way to the top and it's a tough climb uphill but once you get to the top you can slide down and your curiosity is at last satisfied. You finally discover what really is over the rainbow!
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