32 Flavors And Then Some...

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Walking in Bridget Jones Shoes

Music: The sound of the rain pouring outside. I just love Hurricane season.

So another week gone by and I'm sitting here stuck inside because of the rain. It's kinda nice though but I'm very restless. I was craving french onion soup so I went to Atlanta Bread and it's flooding outside to get some and to also get a coffee. That is totally wrong grammar and the structure of that last sentence is all wrong but I don't care. I write the thoughts as they come. Embarrassing moment #2 happened at Atlanta Bread. I go inside drenched order my food finally get it and as I'm leaving I try to put on my coat over my head and carry my coffee and my bag of soup. Well leave it to me. I held the coffee a little to tight and the top came off and coffee splashed all over me and that shit was hot too. Then I get myself together and try to walk out the door when lo and behold I drop my keys on the floor. I bend down to get them and I do the same damn thing with the coffee again. How clumsy can I possibly be? Oh and this is not all of my embarrassment this week. Friday I had the day off because we were'nt filming this weekend and I decided to go to the beach. I'm laying there on my towel soaking up the rays and getting extremely hot and sweaty so I decided to go take a dip in the ocean. Well sitting beside me are about 5 really hot guys. They are all cut and tan and they are all surfers. So I go out in the waves, go underwater, I'm having a good old time when BAM! this huge wave knocks me over, underwater for what felt like 10 minutes, and completely knocks the breath out of me. I stand up get myself together and then notice my boob is hanging out of my top. The hot guys are laughing at me. I go get my stuff with whatever dignity I have left and leave. OH MY GOD! I totally understand where Bridget Jones was coming from.
I have decided to move most definitely. My heart is set on New York and New Orleans is still a possiblity but for now I'm planning on the big apple. I'm going at the end of August for a week to look for a job and a place to live and then I'm going to move shortly thereafter depending on the outcome of my visit. I've got to get a second job so that hunt will start Monday. I'm moving out of the ghetto. Yes ladies and gentlemen you heard right. I'm moving on up to the Westside. I'm moving in with Missy. I'm already basically living here now just have to get my stuff over here. It will help me save up and she's practically married now so she won't be here a whole lot. I guess I'm kinda watching the place for her. I will be filming next weekend and I can't wait. I want to go to the drag show again. It was so much fun to watch. They are more feminine than I am I think. I don't really have much else to report. One thing did happen to me Friday though that sent a little pang of joy to my heart. I was sitting in my car in a parking lot eating my grilled chicken sandwich when a little boy and his mom walked in front of the car. The little boy saw me, he must have been about 7, stopped,smiled and waved at me. It was the coolest thing, it was like he knew me or something. Well speaking of children I have to go babysit now. I'm hanging out with Connie afterwards if it's not pouring. I'm so busy I never get to spend time with my friends anymore and I miss her. Until next weekend this is Brandi Keyton Boone......Good Day!


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