32 Flavors And Then Some...

Sunday, August 07, 2005

What do you say?/ Change of life plan!

Okay I have to post something because about ten million things are running through my mind right now. First of all I just got a call from an ex boyfriend who I have not talked to in forever. He is getting married in a few months. The conversation kinda went something like How are you and what are you doing lately and blah blah blah and then suddenly switches to "What do you think would have happened if we would have stayed together?" I don't want to make a mistake getting married. I can't get you out of my head. I just wanted to know if there was any hope with us before I make a mistake". Uh what do you say to this? I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. I wouldn't have answered the phone if I knew it was him but it was from another number and I thought it was someone else. My heart is so sad right now. I wish I could make everything okay but I can't. I know I can't talk to him anymore if he calls. I will have to screen my calls. I don't feel that way about him. AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!! I hate love!!!! I'm still in total shock. At least he had the balls to call me because that took alot of courage. You know I learn to forgive everything in the past and I would love to stay friends with him but.......I can't even finish this sentence b/c I just don't know how to handle this situation.
Okay change of subject. I have been thinking a whole lot lately about my life and this is going to sound absolutely insane, well maybe, but I don't think I want to move. I think I want to stay in Charleston. I still want to pursue acting but I want to do it from here if I can. I can't help it. I love Charleston. I feel at home here more than anywhere and I just know in my heart that this is where I belong. You know I could be totally wrong and some great opportunity may present itself to me but for now this feels right. I think that moving gave me a way to run from my problems but I don't need to do that. I need to stick it out here and give it a shot. I've been talking about Grad. school for the past year and I think that is what I want to do. I would love to get my M.A.T or maybe my Masters in English and teach. I love teaching! I'm talented when it comes to teaching and I have a gift with children that I need to put to good use. I want to teach Drama or maybe Eng.lit. People will get mad at me for saying this but I'm not getting any younger. I mean I know I'm not old. I'm still young but I'm moving into that time in my life when I want to fill that empty spot. I want to find the love of my life, I want to get married, I want to have a family. I want all of those things to start happening within the next five years for me. Of course I can't control destiny but maybe the reason I feel this way is destiny. I didn't want to sell out but if I look at it realistically I'm not. I feel this in my soul and I know this is where I need to be. That crazy frog song is killing me. Anyway,I hope that this doesn't sound like I just all of the sudden had an epiphany because I talked to the ex bf because I have been feeling this way for a good while just didn't want to admit it for some reason. I need to enjoy my mid twenties as much as possible. It's time for me to get a job with a salary I can survive on and enjoy my life. I'm tired of the struggle. I'm ready to have a quality life filled with love and happiness. I want to go to Europe so bad and I will. I may even teach English in Europe for a few months when I get my Masters degree. Anyways to make a long story short I'm going to become a social butterfly for the remainder of my single years and just enjoy myself. Wow! I just feel the weight lifting off of my shoulders right now.

MY HOROSCOPE (Scorpio) * Could this not freak me out anymore?*
You might be less certain about where you are going in your career these days, although your role in the outer world is important to you. Should you pursue your career in the outer world or should you place more attention on the inner dimensions of your soul? There is no quick and easy answer. Simplify the issues as much as possible and then sink into the complexity of your dilemma.


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