32 Flavors And Then Some...

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Weirdest Day!

Music: "Welcome To The Jungle" Guns and Roses

Ever had one of those days that keep getting weirder and weirder? Today is one of them for me. I went to turn in my resume at Chesterbrook and the director of the school just happened to be there so she interviewed me and I got the job. Not sure if I'm going to take it or not b/c I'm waiting to hear about some other things first. I had an audition for "A Little Night Music" on Sunday. I went str8 from wrapping the film, driving to Charleston from Augusta, and the str8 to the audition. I was exhausted but I pushed myself to go anyway and I thought I was horrible. I almost cried on the way home I thought I did so bad. Lo and behold right after I find out I got the job at Chesterbrook I get a call from the director of the play and find out I have a callback and that she thought I had a wonderful audition? Did she call the right person? I had already decided I didn't care if I got it or not because I sucked. Okay now it gets even weirder. I get home from work, check my e-mail and find out that a friend of mine who was actually in Cold Mountain is shooting a film in Charleston. He lives in L.A and is shooting the film here in Charleston. He offers me the part on the phone. He liked what he saw from my website. What the hell? It's going to be shot film noir style. Black and White with that classic film touch. Right up my alley. So we start doing tests shots tommorow night. All I have to say is life is freaking weird man. WEIRD!!!!


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