32 Flavors And Then Some...

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Life Is Too Short!!

Whenever something makes an impact on me I immediately want to write it down. It helps me to express how I'm feeling and right now I realize just how short life can be. My sister's best friend Erin's sister just died tonight at the age of sixteen. Her name was Casey. Erin, Casey and another little girl were on I-20 last night and swerved to hit a tire in the middle of the road. The girl driving lost control of the car and it went off in the woods somewhere. Casey was pronounced brain dead last night and her parents decided to take her off life support today. What a tragedy. Brittany is a mess. She keeps everything bottled up and she's taking this pretty hard. Death is so difficult to face. When things like this happen it seems like nothing else really matters. People spend their whole lives blaming other people for their problems and fighting when what they really should be doing is making the most of the time they have now. Life is only what you make it. People take so many things for granted. I know I have. God has blessed me with so many things and I am eternally grateful but sometimes we don't realize what we have until it's gone. However life is learning and I think this has made me want to cherish the people in my life even more. I pray for her family and I pray that God gives my sister the strength to get through this rough time and be a rock for her friend Erin.


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