32 Flavors And Then Some...

Thursday, September 01, 2005


What the hell is up with the government? I can't believe how chaotic New Orleans has become after Hurricane Katrina. Why are these people not getting any help or why didn't they get help sooner? I was completely shocked to see the images on the news of thousands of people with no food or water for days and noone doing a damn thing about it. If we can air drop crates of food to Iraq then why in the hell can we not air drop some food to our own country? Politics and the government is one thing I will never understand and I try not to judge the decisions our president makes because I want to support my country but it's just a little difficult now especially after I found out he stayed on vacation an extra day after the hurricane. What the hell is that about? It's his job and he signed up for it. It's time for us to start helping our own country. I don't see any other countries rushing over here to help us at the moment. I'm just very upset and honestly a little scared. Gas prices are astronomical and I don't even think I should drive to Athens tommorow night. I feel as if the world is getting close to the end. It's times like these when I yearn for a home life, some security. This world is a scary place and it's not getting any better. I just want to help somehow but all I know to do is make a donation and pray for the best. I can't believe I almost moved to New Orleans. I could be in the middle of that hell right now. At least I know God is watching out for me. People need to wake up and realize how short life is and quit being so self-centered. We are all here for a reason and that is to learn something. This may sound very cliche but love is the answer to everything. I really hope heaven exisits because I'm tired of all the negativety in this world.


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