Sexually harassed In Georgia!!!!!!

Music: Tears For Fears "Head Over Heels" (Great Song)
Okay so I have to tell this story because it's way too funny. You sorta had to be there but just try to visualize. So Connie and I headed up to Athens Saturday morning for the game. We are all decked out in full Bulldog attire, and the car is all decorated with Georgia paraphanalia and ready to go. We get to Athens and walk around in the blazing sun, have a few beers, some pizza, drool over cute guys and just enjoy the spirit in the air before the game. The game started at 5:30. We find our seats and get all hyped up while the redcoat band plays before kickoff chanting and what not. About an hour into the game Connie is not as enthusiastic as I am because we are pouring sweat and she's not really a bulldog. I was trying to get her to convert but nevertheless she held out through all my hoopin and hollerin. The game is over. We won of course! 48-13! We hang around Athens a little longer and then decide we've had enough so we proceed to find the car and head back to Augusta. We needed gas so I pull over to the Exxon station. I pull up to the pump, open the car door, put my foot on the ground ,look up and my jaw drops to the floor. Connie gets out to go pay and she stops and stares at me like "What are you looking at"? A boy about 18 or 19 with his parents is rubbing his private area and smiling at me. His dad is pumping gas okay and he is on the other side of the car just rubbing away. The following dialogue took place:
Brandi: Uh Connie.
Connie: (pause)Um Yea you go play with the penis, I'm going to go pay for the gas.
5 minutes later after gas is paid. Connie walks to the car. Mr. Happy starts it up again smiling at us.
Connie: Yea okay um let's go!
I could not stop laughing for at least an hour. If you could have seen the expression on Connie's face it was priceless. We had so much fun! I'm gonna miss that girl.
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