32 Flavors And Then Some...

Friday, October 14, 2005

New York State Of Mind

Music: Billy Joel "New York State Of Mind"

Okay so here I go again!!! I've been thinking. I am getting seriously bored here. I feel it's time for a change. There is that whole money issue however but that can be helped if I work my ass off. I miss NY so much. I really want to go back. I have the opportunity to move to L.A but I don't think I will like it so much. New York has nostalgia for me. I'm super sentimental about it. I miss Central Park. I miss the subway. I miss the awesome shopping. I miss all the take out. I miss the shows. I miss the people. I miss the snow believe it or not. I miss the eccentric atmosphere of the city. I miss going to St.Patricks. I miss the feeling that you have deep in your soul like something is going to happen. I always had that feeling in NY. Excitement like something was waiting for me around the corner. I miss getting coffee and walking around the city just chatting. I miss the Lyric and late nights there with friends. I miss my friends from the Academy. I miss Missy, Marcie, Sammy, Tiff, even Stavroula. I miss the kids I used to babysit for all the time. OH MY GOD!!! I MISS NY!!!! I have to figure something out. I have to figure out what it is I want. I'm tired of searching for it. I just need to do it. There has got to be a way. I took it for granted while I was there. You never know what you have until it's gone. I'm all about signs and I've been give some over the past few days. One example is that I got invited to go see a show to benefit Hurricane Katrina. I didn't know anything about it until I looked it up on the internet and found out that a certain person would be there. I didn't know if I should go or not and of course curiosity was killing me. I prayed my heart out the night before and asked God to give me a sign to let me know if I should go or not. The friend I was supposed to go with got really sick and couldn't go. There was my answer. So then guess what? I got sick. I've been sick for 3 days but it has given me time to think about what I want and there ya go. All I know is I've got to get this figured out before I go crazy. Anybody want to move to NY??????


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