32 Flavors And Then Some...

Monday, October 10, 2005

Attack of The Flying Killer Cockroach part II

Oh My God!!!!!!!!!! Last night I went out with some friends and had a few beers. I got home about 1:00 I guess. I go in the bathroom and start washing my face look up and there is an enormous roach above the door. That bitch was like 5 inches long no joke. Of course I jumped out of my skin and screamed as loud as I could and ran to the other room. All I had was hairspray so I started spraying the fucker with it. He fell off the wall and then I couldn't find him. I closed the door and stuffed a towel at the bottom of the door so he couldn't get through the crack. I slept with the light in my bedroom on for fear that he would somehow get in my room and attack me. This morning I slowly opened the bathroom door. I had a broom in my hand figuring I would smash him with it if he came at me. I had left some clothes on the bathroom floor and I used the end of the broom to slowly pick them up and make sure he wasn't hiding in there. I turned around and there he was looking at me. Once again I jumped about 10 feet away and slammed the door. Okay I am pathetic. I am so damn afraid of these assholes. I call my mom and whine to her and she's like what do you want me to do? I don't know just be there for support. This is traumatic for me damnit. I decide to go to the drugstore and get some RAID! It says on the can that it "kills bugs on contact". Alright this is the stuff I need. I slowly walk upstairs like it's an alien in my house or something. I slowly open the door and just start spraying like a mad woman. I'm so scared it's going to fly at me so I slam the door again. I go in my room and freak out some more and then I get the courage to see what damage I have done. I opened the door and hear the rustle of wings. EEEEEWWWW!! There he is kicking and screaming for mercy on the floor. YUCK!!! I want to vomit I swear. So now he is dead and now I have to gather the courage to sweep him up and flush him down the toilet. If somebody had a hidden camera on me and watched me in roach killing action they would laugh there ass off. I probably act like there is a serial killer in my house or something. Moral to this story. When you are alone you are forced to face your fears. I had noone to turn to in this situation. I even went to the office of the complex I live in to see if there was some big man to come kill it for me but noone was working. I had to suck it up and take care of it on my own and I did. I hate roaches. I'm scared to death of them but I killed the little bastard on my own. Oh I'm pathetic. Ha Ha!!


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