32 Flavors And Then Some...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Hair Color

Music: "Bad Reputation" Joan Jett

What is it with hair color? Okay I colored my hair darker to match my natural color. I have a few blond highlights in it. It looks really cool. Anyhow I feel so womanly now. How come haircolor can change the way you feel? It is so weird. Whenever I am blond I feel like a little girl but when I'm a brunette I feel so much stronger. I look like Vivien Leigh in Gone With The Wind. As soon as I get a pic I will post it. I was talking to my friend Callie and I said "Why do men love blonds?" What is it with blond hair? I was worried that I would'nt get any more stares from men b/c I know longer have the blonde. Then Callie said something very interesting. She said maybe now you'll attract the right kind of guy. Made me think. I'll either attract them or scare them half to death. I probably look ten times more intimidating now but Oh Well! I"ll let ya know how it goes. Wish I had someone putting flowers on my car like some other people I know.


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