32 Flavors And Then Some...

Sunday, October 02, 2005

My Posts! Interesting.....

Everyone that knows me knows I adore Rachel Weisz. I check her website from time to time to keep up with her career. Someone bashed her on the boards about her decision to appear nude on film. I got fired up and posted something. Thought I would post it here. I'm going to go see "The Constant Gardener" tonight. It should be great. I saw "Serenity" the other night. It was freaking awesome. I'm hooked on it. I want to see the "Firefly" series now. My inner dorkdom is dying to be released.

Here is the post.

okay first of all I want to say I think Rachel is awesome. I totally admire her and think she is an amazing actress. That said I also think she is one of the finer talents out there and her choices in roles are very intelligent. She is very lucky in the respect that she is not exactly a household name but her work is highly respected. She can still enjoy life without the media hounding her, at least I think she can. As far as nudity goes, I want those opposing her decision to appear nude to think about a few things. If clothes were not invented we would all be running around naked. Children run around naked because they have no shame. They are beautiful and in the moment. They haven't been brainwashed by the rules of society. Also if you are an actress and you are going to become a character,a totally different person from yourself, then you have to take on the habits and quirks of the person you are playing. To make something real then you need to make your character a reality and that just might mean you need to appear nude, if you have the guts, which apparently Rachel has. Courage and a belief in your art and the statement you are making is all that matters. Adam and Eve ran around naked until Eve ate the apple and they realized they were naked. Real people walk around their homes with no clothes, real people have sex, real people do very private things in their homes and if you are going to play a REAL person then you may have to take on their habits. This is why acting(if it's done right) is an Art. It's going to be controversial,it's going to be loved it's going to be hated and if your an artist you have to believe in your work and take a risk knowing it may or may not touch someone. Of course their are limitations. You don't want to become so real that you murder someone if you are playing a serial killer or something but I think most of you can understand what I'm trying to say in this post. So anyway this whole topic just fueled me to write this because I myself am an actress and I'm about to do a nude scene and I fully believe in what I am doing and I understand Rachel's decisions to appear nude in her films. Instead of seeing the sexual side of nudity open your mind to the beauty of it. Just one more thought. If we were all running around naked then we couldn't really judge each other by what clothes we were wearing. I wouldn't know if the person next to me was a Gucci wearing millionaire or a regular Joe wearing clothes from Goodwill.


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