32 Flavors And Then Some...

Friday, November 18, 2005

Lady bugs Catherine, lots and lots of ladybugs!

Music: Death Cab 4 Cutie "Heart is an Empty Room" (love this song)

I don't know if you remember that line from "Under the Tuscan Sun" but it's true. There crawling all over me. I have been asked out 3 times this week. Wow! So I have a date this weekend. We will see. I'm so scared that I'm going to turn into ambivalent Brandi. I hope not. I'm already freaking out if they call me. I'm like why are they calling me? They are not supposed to call until Thursday, why are they calling me on Wednesday? Then I think sorry you called to soon, 86 outta here. That's terrible. I'm way too cautious now. Not too much else going on. I'm trying to get through the book Wicked but I'm having some difficulty. I just can't get into it for some reason. I'm sure the musical is good but I can't get into the book. Maybe it will get better. I'm ready for Thanksgiving. I need a break from work. Trying to save for my trip to L.A. I can't wait to see Connalulu. We talked the other night and she was at a Lakers game. She saw my man Adam Sandler there. I'm so jealous. I love him. Well ta ta for now. Be Good!


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