32 Flavors And Then Some...

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Summers Kiss

Bittersweet days of Summer and sin
blazing passion and sun burnt skin

Lying in the cool grass healing the pain
smelling the smell of the falling rain

Caressing each other in a playful embrace
looking at each other face to face

Smiling so bright our ice cream would melt
tickling your feet, how soft they felt

Listening to the ocean through a pale colored shell
you untying my hair and laughing as it fell

Running through a maze of roses and thorns
regarding your grin as my dress was torn

Watching the sun as it set out of sight
our hands intertwined,praying for night

Walking along the silent seashore
knowing little kisses will bring us much more

Slowly we fall onto the sand
whispering sweet nothings, hand in hand

Living a memory to hold and reminisce
You and I and our long Summers kiss


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