32 Flavors And Then Some...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Freakin Funny

I did get cast in Freakin Funny! I found out last night. I was up against 4 other girls for the part of Sally. I have to go to Atlanta March 17-19 to film it. One of my friends lives up there and he is doing the show "Urinetown" so I'm going to try and go see him in it. I got an e-mail from Houghton Talent about coming in and meeting with them. I had e-mailed my stuff to them and I did'nt hear anything until yesterday. They are a good agency. I really want to get in with the People Store though but they are tough to get into. I babysat all day yesterday but I made 120.00 bucks. I totaled up what I have made in the past 4 days just babysitting and it's like 300.00 something. So that's pretty good. The lady I babysat for tried to hook me up with her brother who was there and I'm like "NO THANK YOU". No guys for me right now. I have no life other than working and this acting thing so there's not much to report at the moment. I hope I don't sound like a cocky bitch when I'm writing all of this. I'm just so happy I have to keep record of it because these times have been rare in my life. I have to babysit at 11:oo. Must go get my morning Joe!


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