32 Flavors And Then Some...

Thursday, March 23, 2006


I'm back from the ATL. I had a great time. I filmed "Freakin Funny" on Saturday. It was fun but I had this massive zit, well at least to me it was massive so I kept being insecure about it. Sunday I went to church with Jennifer (lady I stay with while in ATL) and it was Episcopalian. I didn't really like it too much. Guess I'm Catholic all the way. I was thinking the whole time that this is bootleg Catholic. Ha Ha! Jennifer is trying to set me up with this guy that is the youth director at her church. He's like my age and his name is Brandon. Brandi and Brandon. Cute! NO! She gave him my e-mail address. I'm going to kill her. I'm just not into dating anyone right now. Is that so wrong? Monday I had an audition for a feature film called The Beautiful Ordinary. I auditioned for the part of a hippie teacher. I felt like I did a good job! I think it's going to be filmed in Wilmington, NC. That's where they film One Tree Hill and Surface. I did this promotional modeling thing last night at The Charleston Place Hotel for the Chrysler Corporation. I had to be a hostess. I got paid 45 bucks an hour plus they bought me a 150.00 dress. I can't beat that. Anyway things are okay. My sister is doing really bad. She's very emotional and I wish I could get to the bottom of her problems but she won't open up to me. I have that stressing me out but I'm putting my faith in God that he will show me the way to help her. Oh and if you get a chance read my blog on myspace. I posted a speech by Nelson Mandela that is very inspiring.


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