32 Flavors And Then Some...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Not Mine

Not Mine

I've got a family
they say I'm there's
but I'm not

I've got dog
He's supposed to live with me
but he's doesn't

I've got another dog
she lives with me
she's seems like mine
but she's not

I've got a red car
It's supposed to be mine
but somehow it's not

I live in a townhouse
it too seems like mine
but it belongs to someone else

I've got a sister
she's supposed to be my best friend
but she's not

I've got an aunt
she's says she loves me
but she doesn't

I've got a Granny
she's alive
but she's brain dead

I've got lots of kids
they seem like mine
but their not

I've got a voice
and I sing very loudly
but noone hears

I've got you
you seem like mine
but you belong to someone else

I've got an ocean
it's not mine
but I like to think it is sometime

I've got my dreams
there mine
and noone else's
although I'd like to share them

I've got a heart
it belongs to me
and I have a key to unlock it
but that belongs to me too

I've got a life
it's mine
so it seems at times
other times not

I've got a sunny sky
it's not really mine
but it feels like it's shining just for me some days

I've got a friend
he's not mine
though he'd like to be

I've got this moment
it's mine
this silence is all for me

I've got this night
it's mine
where I can dream
about a picnic in the park
and children on a swing
and sitting with you
sharing each others ice cream

I've got memories
they are mine
and they always will be

I may not have alot
but a rich imagination will do

I've got me
a girl, a woman, a puzzle
I'm mine
but I don't think God would agree


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