Alicia Waldrep: She was my music teacher in high school. She always believed in me and always had time to talk to me about anything. She really cared and sometimes that is rare in a teacher. I learned to be who I am not try to be someone that I am not. I was so afraid to be made fun of by the so called "in crowd" because I was a theater dork but she made me forget about them and focus on myself.
Jackie Bartone: She was my acting teacher at American Academy. She scared the shit out of me but she made me realize that I don't know everything. She brought me off of my high horse real quick like. I'll never forget her as long as I live. Although she was harsh in her criticism she cared about me.
Evanesence: The first man I ever had a crush on that was old enough to be my father. Why I had a crush on him I could not tell you but I think it was because he was so mysterious or something. Anyhow, I learned as time went by that sometimes we put people on a pedestal who in so many words shouldn't be. I wish I could take back this embarassment but what's done is done. But can I just say one last time Eww! What was I thinking??????? But I'm not the only girl guilty of this crime. Gross! He's probably all gray down there.
Bob Ivey: Cute little man who gave me a chance. Thank You for that! You inspired me to achieve greatness.
Missy Gossett: Dear friend who has taught me so much. When noone would befriend me in the cast she did. I have watched her through many different stages in her life and am now experiencing some of the same things she did a few years ago. Glad she was my guinea pig because I learned alot and gathered strength and courage from watching her deal with life's little surprises. She has kept me optimistic!
Keith Blandford: Keith is a rare gem. He is a little out there but such a wonderful person to have in my life. He has been there for me through thick and thin and brought out the best in me. There was a time when I was very low and he helped me to gain back my confidence. I have learned so much from him about spirituality and what it means to live a good life.
Tiffany Hilton: My NY Girl! I miss her. She is such a strong woman. I learned to stick up for myself from her and to not let anyone take advantage of me. We have learned many things from each other because we both struggle through some of the same issues. I miss chillin with miss T.
Connie: Connie is the first real roommate I have ever had. I learned alot from her because I tried to control her just a little bit but we have a big age gap and she is like my little sister. I kinda acted like her Mom sometimes. I learned how to become alot more open living with this girl, believe me, alot more. I love this girl!
Ryan: I'm just now adding his name on 9/15/05. Before it was too hard to add his name but now I think I can do it. If there is one thing I learned from him it is how powerful love can be. I have never loved someone so much to the point that I love this person. When it hurts so deep down inside your soul you know it's love. When you have been hurt by the person you love and you still find the strength to forgive them you know you truly do love them. I don't think I will ever stop loving him. Just the thought of him gives me butterflies. I grew alot from having this person in my life. I grew up because I was with him and I had to learn the meaning of love. What it is to love unconditionally.
Grace Kelly: This may sound crazy, I never knew her, but she taught me alot. How to present myself as a lady, with integrity and class. Sophistication. I feel like we are kindred spirits. I used to try so hard to be just like her in highschool and then the more I grew into my own skin I realized that I liked myself just the way I was and didn't feel the need to try to be someone else. I would like to think that I always had some of her qualities but the real me is quite different than Grace Kelly. I have my own unique characteristics and once I realized this I started to get cast in a lot more projects.
So there you have it! I'm sure there are alot more people I could add to this list but these are the ones that stand out in my mind.